Vehicle finance loans

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vehicle Finance Loans

GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems: Do I Need One?
By Ken Sink

GPS vehicle tracking systems are more affordable and more
popular than ever before, but do you need one? Take this short
quiz and keep track of your 'yes' answers. I’ll help you total
your score and decide after you finish.

Step One: Take Quiz

1. Do I use vehicles in my business? Yes/No

(The definition of 'vehicles' includes heavy, medium and
light-duty vehicles, construction equipment (dozers, graders,
backhoes, etc), cars, motorcycles, RV's, pick-up trucks, vans,
tractor trailers, buses, trailers, dump trucks, snow plows,
limousines, taxis, etc.)

2. Have any of my vehicles been stolen in the past? Yes/No

3. I'd like to know what is going on and where my
employees/vehicles are during the day: Yes/No

4. I'd like to reduce my fuel expenses and know if any of my
vehicles are wasting gas: Yes/No

5. Being able to give my customers accurate and precise
arrival/delivery estimates is important to me: Yes/No

6. It is important to know if any of my vehicles are used after
hours or on weekends for non-business purposes: Yes/No

7. I'd like save up to 30% on my vehicle insurance: Yes/No

8. It is important to know if my employees are speeding or
otherwise abusing my vehicles: Yes/No

9. If any of my employees are using my vehicles to 'moonlight'
or do work without my knowledge, I'd want to know: Yes/No

10. Knowing about mechanical problems before they become
expensive to fix is important: Yes/No

11. If any of my vehicles are ever stolen, I'd like to locate
them within minutes: Yes/No

12. I'd like to have vehicle use data to compare with overtime
requests as a way to guard against errors and fraud: Yes/No

13. I'd like a reminder when it is time to do routine
maintenance on my vehicles: Yes/No

14. Occasionally, customers question when we were at their
location, having the exact date and time recorded in our
tracking system would really help in those cases: Yes/No

15. I'd like to help my employees be more productive by seeing
where they go each day: Yes/No

Step Two: Total Your ‘Yes’ Answers

Add up your 'yes' answers.

* Fewer than 7 'yes' answers:Thanks for taking the quiz, you
don't appear to want/need a vehicle tracking system.

* 7 to 11 'yes' answers: Thanks for taking the quiz. You could
greatly benefit from a vehicle tracking system.

* More than 11 'yes' answers: Thanks for taking the quiz. You
need a vehicle tracking system.

By the way, every question above (except question 1 & 2) is
answered by using GPS vehicle tracking systems.

Step Three: Cost vs. Gain

The average business owner recoups their investment in GPS
vehicle tracking systems within 6 – 12 months after purchase. Of
course, your ROI may vary. Recovering one stolen vehicle may pay
for your entire tracking system.

Vehicle tracking helps you reduce operating costs and boosts

Tracking systems reduce vehicle costs by putting a spotlight on
speeding employees, who waste fuel, cause excessive engine wear
and drive up insurance rates. Vehicle tracking systems will also
remind you when it’s time for preventive maintenance, like oil
changes, helping you keep your vehicles on the road and making
you money.

GPS vehicle tracking systems improve productivity by:

* documenting long lunch hours,

* exposing unauthorized breaks,

* comparing driver overtime requests with system reports of
driver activity,

* highlighting unauthorized vehicle use after hours and on

* eliminating driver logs.

Many insurance companies offer discounts of up to 30% for
vehicles protected with tracking systems.

Step Four: Due Diligence

GPS vehicle tracking systems are outstanding tools for vehicle
and fleet management, but you need to find the right system for
you. Take a look at the different types of GPS vehicle tracking

Check a company’s hardware and software, as well as their
monthly data access plan. You’ll also need to decide whether to
buy or lease your GPS tracking system.

Good luck.

About the Author: Ken Sink, owner of My Vehicle WatchDog, is a
veteran with 20+ years of transportation experience, including
fleet management of over 800 vehicles. Visit
http://www.MyVehicleWatchDog.Info for more information about GPS
vehicle tracking systems from Fleet Management Solutions,
Networkfleet and Sprint/Nextel.

posted by Illusion Technologies at 3:39 AM


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